
Thursday 25 January 2018

"Summer Blogging Journey Week Four Day Five"

                                           Day 5:  "Looking Into The Future"

Activity 1"Your Future Self"

It may be hard to imagine, but one day you will graduate from high school and it will be time to decide what to do next.

For this activity, I am going to talk about what would i like to do if i finish school?

-When I finish school, I would love to study at university.I will study performing art.I would love to go with my 5 best friends overseas (America,China,South Korean,Japan,Australia,Philippines etc...), I will bought my dream mansion house, I will bought a house for my families,gave them better life,help my neighbours (Homeless), Become a famous beloved actress,live together with my friends, build a resort, build a big restaurant and I would love to meet my 5 favourite celebrities who inspired me to work hard and peruse my dreams.

Activity 2:  "Flying Cars"

On this blog i am going to say which of these three cars that I would choose and why.

1)Image result for flying cars2)3)

-For me I would choose the third car. The reason why I chose it it because, I love black cars, it very big and it can fit a lot of passenger in it, It very beautiful and it can fit everything that i want in it (e.g. shopping, laundry etc..)

Bonus Activity "Blade Runner 2049"

Blade Runner is a movie about what the world will be like in the future.

For this activity, I am going to imagine that I can able to travel through time and I can see what NZ will be like in 2099. ( What kind of houses will people live in? Where will they work? )

-Form me I think that NZ's population will increase,there will be a living robot will created, people will be living in a big houses made out of glasses and I think that they will work at a shop, farmer, office etc.....

Image result for nz population in 2099Image result for living robot

Image result for houses made out of glassImage result for farmer